Wednesday, May 26, 2010


everyone deserves to get a piece of sarcasm every now then. I believe a little sarcasm could bring down the egoism rate that somehow manage to 'grow' within you. You deserve a little slap on the face once in a while, just to remind you of yourself not to go beyond the borderline. And to me, this little slap is best given by someone very close to you, because if its from someone else - well, that's not going to help the rate go down, it's just gonna make things worse.

But somehow.....(this is where the-normal-part-of-being-a-human comes)
The 'slap' should be timely though. As being that person who is close to you, they should know you better when should a 'slap' is given. Just before going for a meal is definitely not the right time!


Now tell me, how this is suppose to make my day?